I drove my Bentley up the long graveled
drive, the house loomed like a monster waiting to feed and the distance beat of
a jive band played melodically. I had been invited to stay with Sir Frederick
Worthington-Bogmoor for the weekend and a grand party and I was late, so would
have to quickly make my excuses and change in my room. I had just returned from
a shooting weekend in the Lake District where the groundskeeper had been shot.
It turned out he was having a salacious affair with the mistress of the house,
so I’d had to stay an extra day and solve the crime.
Looking down, I suddenly noticed my foot beginning to tap. I couldn't help
myself. I parked my car in front of the house and felt the music draw me in
like the Pied Piper’s enchantment.
I entered the great hall and was greeted by a tall man in a dark suit and white
gloves. "My name is Chapman, madam," he spoke in a monotone drawl,
"May I take your bags?" I gave him my luggage, and then enquired as
to where that incredible beat was coming from; my foot was still tapping and
now I found my hips began joining in too. "That, madam, is your
entertainment for the evening, that is King Pleasure and the Biscuit
Boys." He spoke with an air of pride, this band must be a big deal I thought.
I elected to miss seeing my room and headed straight to the ballroom where the
band were playing. My tweed, pearls and dried blood weren't exactly the perfect
choice for the jive, but they would have to do. My head joined my feet and hips
now, I was ready to dance my nylons off.
As I entered, I saw them. A six-piece band, dressed up to the nines in zoot
suits, with slicked back hair and twinkles in their eyes. The lead singer was a
man who gave me a thrill that I hadn’t felt for years. His voice made me want
to kick of my sensible leather brogues, let down my tightly pinned bun and get
shimmying. They were hypnotic. The song finished, I waited for another, the
band started playing while the King excused himself to wet his whistle, I
didn't blame him, and the way he belted out those tunes and blew that sax.
I was happily swaying to the beat, taking in those smooth tunes, when suddenly…
A blood-curdling scream came from upstairs. The music stopped, conversation was
interrupted, and someone dropped a glass.
We heard a slam, then a rush of heavy footsteps clumsily descending the
staircase. We all listened intently, frozen in fear, as the footsteps continued
down the hall. Suddenly the doors to the ballroom were flung open and Lily, the
young day maid burst into the room.
"It's the madam!" she shouted, "She's been
There was confusion and panic. Ladies swooned, gentlemen sucked furiously on
their pipes, but I was in my element. Quick as a flash I jumped up on stage and
cleared my throat.
"Ahhhem! Please can everyone calm down," I started, when I suddenly
aware of a hand clinging on to my arm. It was King Pleasure. I couldn't believe
it, and I’ll have to admit a tingle I had long since forgotten resurfaced, and
my cheeks flushed.
I continued with my speech.
"Please, let's just hear what this young lady has to say, shall we?“
"She's fainted," came a call from the door, "But we have
smelling salts"
After she had come around, Lily started talking. She had just taken Lady
Worthington-Bogmoor’s tea to her boudoir, but as she entered, she had noticed
her Ladyship on the bed… a knife in her back!
"We must go up and see," I said, The King was still holding on tight,
I looked at him and with my biggest doe-eyes I said, "Would you come with
me, King. May I call you King?”
“My dear, please. Call me Your Majesty!” he replied.
As we walked down the hall and ascended the long staircase, I thought it was
time to get to know this King Pleasure man and his music, so I decided to ask
him some questions.
“Are you really a king? The king of swing?”
“Singer, swinger, saxophonist, showman and side splitter. A King of cool,
that likes to play the fool.”
His words were alien to my ears, but I liked them! What a side splitter even
was, I had no idea but I wanted to know. I continued with my questioning. So,
you’re one of the original swing bands and one of the best! How did you get
“Busking back in the early 80’s on the streets of Walsall. We then
entered a Birmingham Markets Busking competition and won. One of the judges had
his own record company, Big Bear Records and he started getting us gigs in
local bars and colleges. It just took off from there, with the gigs getting
further and further afield until we were playing festivals all over the world.”
His music had flowed like hot soup on a cold evening, and I was hungry for it.
I had only a small taste so wanted to know more, so I asked him if he could describe
his band and its music.
“We are a six piece jump band. Playing a mixture of early R&B, Blues,
Swing, Boogie Woogie, Jazz and good ol’ Rock ‘n’ Roll.”
The detective in me started working, “Do I detect a
midlands accent?” I enquired.
“Ah yes, the Black Country accent. A hard working world of faggots and peas
and Staffordshire bull terriers!”
recalled a murder I had heard about in Birmingham, A woman had poisoned her
husband’s faggots, I suppose disguising the taste of the poison wasn’t hard to
do. The case was solved by a mentor of mine, which got me thinking. “So, I find
you inspiring your majesty, but who inspires you?”
“My family and friends. It’s them I write
songs about. I’ve just finished writing a new album, which we are now starting
to rehearse and have written four songs for a Christmas EP. I’m also an oil
painter, which makes me take a second look at everything. I look everywhere for
inspiration and find it everywhere. The world is such an awe inspiring, amazing
Before I knew it, we were by the door to the mistress of the house’s room. It
was shut, that must have been the slam we heard, and my suspicions grew. Why
would someone shut the door after fleeing a room in blind panic? I turned the
handle, and nervously entered.
His majesty and I looked toward the bed and there she was: splayed out, face
first like a drunken dinner date, but with a large kitchen knife sticking out
of her back. One thing was certain, she was most certainly dead. I shut the
door again to catch my thoughts, I needed idle chit-chat to steady myself, so I
carried on with my questioning.
“So, When did you first realise that you had made it?”
“I think if you get to do what you’ve always
dreamt of doing and get paid for it, then you are truly fortunate and have made
it in the best possible sense.”
“I bet you've had a crazy career, what has the highlight been?”
“To travel the world seeing so many wonderful
places and meeting so many wonderful people. To meet and play with many of my
musical heroes such as Cab Calloway, Ray Charles and B.B. King.”
“Wow!” I started, but before I could continue, Sir Frederick interrupted with a
loud “Ahem! I thought we were here to find out about my murdered wife!" He
spoke with a pipe in his mouth and a calm demeanor. Suspicious I thought, but
politeness prevailed. I apologised and re-entered the room.
What had happened in here? I surveyed the evidence, it was a nice room,
beautifully decorated, silk bedding, large windows, framed by heavy, decorative
curtains, there was a beautifully crafted glass chandelier above the bed, and
by the dressing table sat an old gramophone; the familiar crack, crack, crack
of vinyl still turning but at an end. I removed the needle from the record, and
placed it back in its holder.
I needed tea and perhaps something a little stronger, I couldn’t gather any
more evidence from the scene, the windows were tightly shut and nothing else
disturbed, it was time to start asking questions to some of the others, rather
than just to King Pleasure. Although, maybe we would have time for one or two
I’d noticed that there had been a recent surge of jive and swing bands of late,
I wondered if he found it suffocating? And was he proud that they are still
considered one of the best?
“There are many great bands around and many
that come and go. We have worked hard to stay together and stay on top of our
“One of the guests let slip that you've been through one
or two band members. Have they always left happy? Or have you any juicy stories
to tell?”
“Nearly all past band members have left on
great terms, simply wishing to settle down or follow a new musical direction.
There have been one or two sackings and walk-outs and three punch ups in nearly
30 years. Not bad!”
Not bad either I thought, I had gone through 15
assistants in the past 6 years, mostly because they kept on being murdered, or
arrested for murder, but still…
Go on…tell us your
best showbiz story? I prodded.
“I once wrestled Oliver Reed in a Maltese bar
after a fourteen hour drinkathon!”
He was an interesting man, I could have talked for hours
but we had a job to do. I gathered everyone back in the ballroom.
One thing was for sure, at that time of the murder only four people had been
absent from the room. The maid Lily, Chapman the butler, his Lordship Sir
Frederick and of course the victim. So who was the murderer? Answers were
"Where were you at the time of the murder?” I asked his Lordship
"I was in my room, tying my bow tie, I always have trouble with
them," he said, shifting his eyes suspiciously. I noted his clip-on tie,
"Where were you at the time of the murder?" I asked Chapman
"I was in your room, delivering your luggage and straightening the bed
linen," he spoke with the tone of a man lying to save himself. Why would
he need to straighten a bed that hadn’t even been slept in, I thought? Hmmm…
"Where were you at the time of the murder?" I asked the maid.
"I was in the kitchen, making tea! I didn't do it, honest I didn't! Tell
her Frederick! If you truly love me! Tell her, for the sake of the baby!"
she screamed, cradling her belly and staring wide-eyed at Sir Frederick.
So, the maid and his Lordship. Now there was a motive.
"You stupid girl" cried Chapman, "Now they know
"You knew!?" exclaimed Lily.
"Yes, he knew," confessed his Lordship "And he's been blackmailing me for
months! He said he would tell her Ladyship if I didn't pay him."
"She already knew," Chapman spoke with disdain, "She's known for
months, but I couldn't let you know that, or I would never have got paid."
This was all very interesting, but I had to continue with my questioning.
I turned to King Pleasure. I knew it was an odd line of questioning, but I just
had to ask.
"Do you like any 'modern' music, your majesty?" I asked.
I always hear things I like. I recently bought
the album ‘See’ by Pete Williams of Dexy’s fame. Absolutely brilliant.
"I hardly see how this is relevant," came a
comment from the crowd.
"I know what I'm doing!” I spoke sternly. “So your majesty, just one more
thing. It seems that a lot of contemporary musicians - Amy Winehouse, Plan B -
are using stylistic influences from the past in their music, how do you feel
about this cross-era style? Love it? Or are you a purist?"
“I used to be such a purist, but now love the
fact that such influences can be heard heavily in so much contemporary music.
Caro Emerald and Richard Hawley are great favourites.”
That was fun, and very interesting, but for now I had to establish a motive and
solve this murder. I hadn't eaten since lunch and the game-hen on the menu did
sound delicious.
"So, why would anyone want to murder her Ladyship?" I asked to
myself. They could have all have done it, and they all had motives to get rid
of her. So who did?
I mulled it over. As much as I hated to admit it, there
was only one person who had a real motive for this particular murder, and I
gathered everyone around.
"I know who the murderer was. There is one person in this room who had
both opportunity and motive. It was... It was..."
I paused for dramatic effect. Everyone leant forward in anticipation.
"The murderer…was King Pleasure!"
The crowd gasped, "But why? How?"
"During the song ‘Blues From The Booze’,
The King disappeared offstage, claiming to be in need of a glass of water. It
was then that he slipped silently upstairs. Covered by the sound of the music,
he entered Lady Worthington-Bogmoor’s room and stabbed her! My suspicions arose
when he returned and clutched my sleeve in the exact spot where my jacket was
already bloody, thus rubbing any evidence off, and onto me."
"But why?" asked his Lordship. "Why would you do this? What
possible motive would you have?"
"Now that conundrum was answered when I entered the room of the deceased
and found this!!" I held up the undisputable evidence, the evidence that
would see The King go down for a long time.
A Spandau Ballet album!
Everyone in the room gasped. Women fainted once again,
but this time the gentlemen’s pipe-sucking was joined by a chorus of moustache
twisting and harrumphs.
"I couldn't let her do it... I just couldn't!" King Pleasure pleaded,
"They're… They’re…New Romantic!!"
I approached The King. "Just one more question," I said. "If you
could create your ultimate band, who would you have - dead or alive?"
He answered with an air of calm.
“As much as I’d love to gig with Elvis etc.
I’d really just like to put on a gig with everyone who’s ever been a Biscuit
Boy. A big band of all the members, past and present. It would be one hell of a
party afterwards!”
were a lot of unanswered questions: the door, his Lordship’s clip-on tie,
Chapman’s excuses, maybe they were relevant, then again, maybe not. My thoughts
were interrupted by the familiar wail of police sirens coming up the drive. King
Pleasure was a brilliant man and an incredible musician, and I would never forget
our encounter, however murderous it had been....