I scanned the university noticeboard... Rooms for
let, cycling tours around Norway, a summer in Africa.. No, that was not for me, not after that summer in Mexico - beautiful countryand amazing
food... But did my stomach like it? No
it did not!
Anyway what I was searching for was way different to
the usual stuff you would normally find on this board, Oh yes, I was looking for something
more… Something more… Something more paranormal...
Then I spotted it, it was scuffed and tattered, my
god it looked like it had been there since the mid 80s! The advert called for
volunteers for ESP experiments and was offering payment… Perfect, interesting
and the extra cash would come in handy, mind you… only 5 bucks? That wouldn’t
even get you a coffee and a muffin these days… But money is money and I wasn’t
in it for the cash anyway. I ripped off one of the slips at the bottom of the
advert with the contact details on them…
Dr Venkman… Why did that name seem so familiar?

Jennifer Victoria Runyon
was born in Chicago in 1960 and has appeared in a myriad of TV programmes and films, from Another world to Charles in
Charge and was even a Brady in 'A very Brady Christmas'! She starred in the
comedy '18 again!' with George Burns, but what I will most fondly remember her
for is as the object of Bill Murray's affections in the start of
I offered her a coffee by the way of an apology and
we got chatting.
So, what was it like
appearing in Ghostbusters? How does it feel to be in such a
iconic film?
“Such a great experience, of course I had no idea while filming would become such a huge Box-Office success...
“Such a great experience, of course I had no idea while filming would become such a huge Box-Office success...
…I was just excited to work with Bill Murray.”
Who wouldn't be? I thought...
And I bet people quote lines to you all the time!?
“I get that a lot from Ghostbusters especially... strangers
have approached me saying "you're no fluke
Jennifer" I'm always so flattered by that.”
So what were the guys [Bill Murrey, Dan Aykroyd,
Harold Ramis] like to work with... and for? “It was probably
one of the most enjoyable days I ever had on a set....you never stopped
laughing which really relaxed me... Bill was so easy to work with...”
Dear old Harold Ramis, all the people I've talked
who knew him and they all say he was a lovely guy, wso what did you
“Harold Ramis was such
a lovely and kind man...”
So nice...
And did you socialise with any them off set? “I went to dinner with Bill Murray once..he sang opera to the whole restaurant...then we ended up at Union Station in downtown LA...

I nearly spat out my coffee, I had heard so many
crazy stories about Bill, about him turning up at peoples parties,
pouring tequila or going up to people and just eating their food
telling them "No one will believe you" and then just leaving.... I
wondered if Jennifer believed them... So I thought I'd ask...
So do you believe the stories? “Yes I've
heard the stories...and after driving an Amtrack Train and singing Opera with
him...it doen't surprise me in the least....”
And I know Bill Murray is famous for his
ad-libbing, did he do much during your scene? “Yes he did ad-lib a
bit...I think that's what made the scene so great.”
And did your character have a name? “No
my character didn't have a name in the script...I was "female
student" but he called me Jennifer while filming the scene”
A perfect example of Bills Ad-Libbing, I thought.
So let's go back to the beginning... How did
you get the part? What was the audition like? “I got the call
to audition for a Bill Murray movie… I remember a lot of girls being there...I
didn't hear anything for the longest time...I figured I didn't get it...I
was working on another show when the call came...I was so excited..”
I'm not surprised I thought!
So have you been to the Fire station in NY? “I
sadly have never visited the fire station...definitely something I need to do.”
Now we all understand Ghostbusters now, but it
seemed a crazy idea back in 1984... How was it described to you? “They
were very secretive while auditioning... we were not told the story line
I suddenly realised that I was going on and on
about Ghostbusters when she had done so much more! I also noticed that I was
nealy down to just the froth on my Cappuccino.
I know I keep talking about Ghostbusters,
sorry... “No worries, I love talking Ghostbusters”
You played regular characters in both Another
world & Charles in charge? “When I got the part I was so
excited...I was nervous because
I had always had a little crush on Scott
What washe like, did he live up to your expectations? "He was great.. he ended up becoming like a brother to me...I learned a lot from working with Scott and Willie Aames...Willie by the way is one of my best friends...we do a radio show together with Susan Olsen called F.L.U.I.D. Amazing after 30 years Willie and I are working together again...”
Now you played two different characters in Murder
she wrote, only a couple of years apart.. Did you ever question that? Did you
ever wonder that people would realise? Is this a common thing to happen? “Murder
She Wrote did this quite often...I wasn't the first to do multiple episodes...I
remember someone telling me Angela liked bringing people back...
…she was wonderful by
the way...”
You were in 18 again with the incomparable George
Burns, what was he like? “Eighteen Again was another one I had such
a positive experience filming...I loved the cast and crew..George Burns
was so dear...always telling amazing stories and singing little tunes... "
And was that cigar always burning?
And was that cigar always burning?

As a very attractive girl in Hollywood, you must
have had some attention from actors?! Do you have any good
stories? “You are very kind, but I really was very shy. I never felt
comfortable with the whole "Hollywood" scene. I was
pretty much a homebody when I wasn't working...oh dear...that sounds so boring
and sad..LOL...”
No, it sounded rather sensible I thought!
Your dad James R Runyon was a DJ, did you have an
interesting childhood? Were you surrounded by music royalty? Did he ever want
you to go into the music biz? “I never got to meet any music
royalty..but my Mom and Dad certainly did... they met the Beatles back in the
day...but I was too young to appreciate how cool that was...the cool part about
my parents being DJ's was listening to them on the radio every morning
while getting ready for school...”
And you have some pretty big named in-laws? It must
be excellent at weddings & Christmas?! Have you worked with your husband or
in-laws? “Yes Roger Corman asked me to do a movie for him called
Carnasaur, I was 4 months pregnant with my son at the time..I didn't tell
him..I wanted so badly to do the movie. I also did a movie for my father-in-law
Gene Corman called A Man Called Sarge, we shot the movie in Israel and had such
a great time...the cast was wonderful...”

And what would your dream role be? “My
dream role..hmmmm...I always wanted to be in a western...I love westerns...”
I tipped the last bit of foam into my mouth and checked my watch... I was going to be late for my lecture... One... or maybe two questions and I had to go!
So, going back to Ghostbusters just for a second, do
you think Peter Venkman and the student did meet up at 8 o'clock? “I
like to think they did...but I believe he got tied up in the library
investigating ...”
And lastly, are you afraid of ghosts? “No...I've
had a few experiences...I'm fascinated...”
thanked Jennifer, grabbed my briefcase and dashed out of the cafeteria, that was fantastic, what a coup... Jennifer Runyon... Wow! I was going to be late I knew it, I was going to get in trouble and miss some of the lecture... But hey, call it fate, call it Karma, I believe things happen for a reason... And anyway my students could wait another 10 minutes...