"Beep... Beep!"
Right, last minute checks... OK... Bag packed? Check... Passport up to date? Check... Dollars? Enough... The perfect holiday hat and glasses? Check and check...
"Beep... Beep..."
The taxi driver was getting inpatient, but I couldn't risk forgetting anything... So with keys and mobile in one hand and suitcase in the other I took one long last look at my apartment, yes, it was only going to be two weeks, but it was the first time I had made such a big trip and I had been saving for years, I couldn't resist anything spoiling it...

Ok.. Ok... I thought and rushed down the stairs, it was pouring down, I wasn't half glad to be escaping this weather... Where I was going the sun shines everyday!
I got to the cab, opened the door and, shaking my umbrella off, I noticed someone else in the car...
"Hey!" I called to the driver "This is my cab... What the hell?"
"Hey!" I called to the driver "This is my cab... What the hell?"
The cabbie explained that he had given up on me and this guy needed a ride into town... I couldn't really argue with him, I suppose, after all I had kept him waiting for 15 minutes. He also explained that where this guy needed to be dropped off was only way to the airport and had offered to split the bill! This holiday was getting better by the minute!
I got in the cab, closed the door and turning to thank this gallant stranger I suddenly realised just who he was... and my god, this beat even the cheaper fare... This beat the amazing deal I'd got on the flight... This had even beat the hotel upgrade I had been offered! The guy sitting next to me was Brian Nash... Nasher... Guitarist from the legendary band Frankie Goes To Hollywood...
Brian Nash (born 20 May 1963, Liverpool, England) was the guitarist for 1980s pop band, Frankie Goes to Hollywood. He was otherwise known as Nasher.

I thanked him profusely, trying desperately not to let on what a massive fan I was, but I couldn't help it... It would take at least 15 minutes to get to town from here, so well... Silence would be ridiculous and a waste of the time I had... So I started asking questions....
"I have know MOT all my life as he is my cousin so we grew up together. I met Ped in my late teens when he joined a band with MOT's brothers. I met Holly through a friend who worked with a friend of Holly's."
And the name 'Frankie Goes to Hollwood' is such an orginal name for a band... Who came up with the name?
"The name originated from a book called Rock Dreams by Guy Peellaert. Holly saw a page from the book pinned to the wall of a rehearsal room.
And, early touring, did you always play original songs or did you do any covers?
"We only did a few covers after we had released our first records. We played "Get It On", "War" and "Born To Run" during the FGTH tours."
What was the early days like? More fun or less than when you made it? I bet it was wild?!
"It was more exiting in a lot of ways because you never knew what was around the corner and everyone was doing it for the buzz and the experience, a little of that disappears when it becomes your "job""
It was this moment that I became aware of my phone buzzing in my pocket, I took it out and hung up on the caller... This was far more important and my mum would understand... Thank god I had it on vibrate, my ring tone was one of the bands biggest hits...
So, what was your reaction when you first heard Relax?
"First time I ever heard "Relax" was when I saw an early line up playing in a club in Liverpool called Jodie's. MOT's [Mark O'Toole] brother Ged was playing guitar in the band at that time. I saw FGTH play live twice before I joined the band some time later."
"First time I ever heard "Relax" was when I saw an early line up playing in a club in Liverpool called Jodie's. MOT's [Mark O'Toole] brother Ged was playing guitar in the band at that time. I saw FGTH play live twice before I joined the band some time later."
And did any of you think "There is no way this is going to be allowed!"?
"The thought never crossed our minds to be honest."
Could you ever imagine that it would be as big as it was? Or as controversial?
"Nobody could have imagined that the band were going to be as big as it became. If we would have know that we were going to sell millions of records then we would have negotiated a better record deal."
And where were you when you found out it had reached number 1?
"We were all in ZTT's offices when we heard the midweek prediction on Friday that the record was going to be No1."
And where were you when you found out it had reached number 1?
"We were all in ZTT's offices when we heard the midweek prediction on Friday that the record was going to be No1."
And of course the song is almost as famous for its ban as the song itself, I wondered what was his initial reaction to the ban?
"We were in the ZTT office again. We were all laughing about it, everybody loved the idea that we were being seen as rebellious."
The car rocked and my suitcase knocked into my knees, Ouch I thought, why did I bring so many clothes?
Clothes... That got me thinking...
So, did you have a Relax t-shirt?
"I think I had a couple of them. I still have 5 or 6 in a bag in the loft, I think some are unworn. I should flog them on Ebay!!"
We laughed, he would make a mint!
Now, as a child of the 80s I was aware of a lot of other bands... Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and of course Wham!...
We laughed, he would make a mint!
After Relax did you ever think "We can't top that"? Did you ever consider making Two Tribes 'ban-able' or did you make a conscious effort not to?
"We always thought TT should have been a single so we were delighted when it turned out the way it did. There was no intent to get any of our records banned. The record was not officially "banned" it was just "withdrawn from the playlist"
Now, as a child of the 80s I was aware of a lot of other bands... Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and of course Wham!...
What did you guys think of bands like Wham!? And how did you feel when the good, clean cut George Michael went bad? Did any of you know he was gay? Or suspect?
"I think P & H knew he was gay and told us but we were unsure as he was always with a girl, maybe she was his beard. George is a nice guy and I have some fond memories of being in his company, most notably on stage at Hammersmith Odeon when he jumped up and joined us for "Relax". When he was jailed a few years ago I wrote to him and wished him well and told him to stop slagging off "Listen Without Prejudice" because "Praying For Time" is one of my all time favourites."
"Way too many to mention, there are a few in my autobiography but there are some that will have to remain in my head and private, I am not a grass."

"I have never perceived myself as being a sex symbol now, or then. It was certainly very strange to have teenage girls screaming at you. Strange but funny as well."
"There probably were but I can't think of anything specific at the moment but I am sure there must have been some clothing strops at some point"
I quickly Googled an image on my phone... Maybe this one? I thought...
I quickly Googled an image on my phone... Maybe this one? I thought...
Who were your (& the bands) musical influences and did you meet any of them?

So, what do you think you'd be doing now if you'd never picked up a guitar?
"I would probably be working as an electrician in Liverpool, that is what I was doing before FGTH took off."
So, how does it feel when you hear a tune in the rough that you know is going to be good for the first time? Do you get a tingle or feeling?
"Writing a new song is a great feeling. I have never been one to sit down and think "Right, let's write a tune", they always stumble out. I wrote a song called "Don't Go Yet" recently that I think it the best song I have written and the whole thing came together in ten minutes. It was very strange. It was written about a departed friend who took his life and it just fell out one day."
Was there anything you didn't do that you wish you had done?
"Live Aid."
You guys were such larger than life characters, was this just an act? Or were you like that off stage too?
"The whole band were larger than life characters and I think that is what appealed to a lot of people after they were exposed to the music. We were all just being ourselves, I don't think there was any pretending going on."
We passed the train station, we were getting close to his stop, bugger, I thought.... I suppose I could squeeze of a couple more questions...
Do you ever get stage fright?
Do you ever get stage fright?
"Never had stage fright. Why would you be afraid of going out to play to people who have waited months to see you? From the first chord you have them in your pocket. The only reason to be afraid is if you are not prepared and I am always prepared. If something goes wrong then admit it and move on. The audience love seeing people fluff their lines and making mistakes."
After such a fabulous career, what is your personal career highlight?

... and Low?
"I can't really pick a low as the highs outnumber them by hundreds."
But there must have been some crazy rock and roll times... Leading me on to my next question...
What was the wildest thing you have done?
"It depends what you mean by "wildest"? I did do a bit of room trashing but I am not proud of it. I threw a clothes rail out of a tv studio window once whilst drunk. It was a bit stupid because it could have killed someone. Like the previous question there were so many wild times that it is hard to pick just one."
The taxi radio was blaring out while we were talking, they don't make music like they used to I thought and asked...
There was so much controversy about the band, do you feel that it would be the same if you guys had released Relax today? Do you think the censors have softened... Or the music has?
"Sexual boundaries have changed. The first "Relax" video that was deemed "rude" looks like Play school compared to some stuff I have seen recently, especially by mainstream female artists who seem to think the way to the top is wearing very little and showing too much. If a major label could find someone who had singing tits they would be over the moon."
Ha! Wise words I thought... And as we spoke a familiar tune began banging out on the radio and Holly's melodic tones filled the car... " I'll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door..."
Ha! Wise words I thought... And as we spoke a familiar tune began banging out on the radio and Holly's melodic tones filled the car... " I'll protect you from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from your door..."
So my last question came as easily as the first... I wondered, how did it feel when he hears his hits still being played and enjoyed by kids today?
"I have had the experience so many times now that it kind of passes me by and the only time I get a buzz is when you hear something in a strange place. Last year, whilst touring the battlefields of Belgium and France I heard TPOL in the reception of a museum. It is great that the music is still being played and people still like hearing the old songs."
Ha! So true!
Suddenly the taxi driver piped up "Anywhere in particular for the drop off mate?" he asked.
Nasher indicated the corner of the next road and grabbed his things, it was still raining outside so I offered him my umbrella, it wasn't as if I was going to need it where I was going? Yes, sunny L.A. was calling, Beverly Hills, the Chinese Theatre, Venice Beach and of course Hollywood! I couldn't wait!
The car pulled up and Nasher opened the door ready to get out, he checked once more that I was sure that I didn't need the umbrella tonight and asked me for my name and address to send it back, I live at the address we got the taxi from, I told him and my name is Francis...
... But as he opened the umbrella and got out of the car, silently disappearing into the dark night I shouted after him...
... But as he opened the umbrella and got out of the car, silently disappearing into the dark night I shouted after him...
"...But most people call me Frankie!"
For more information on Nasher and the boys go to:

And to buy his book go to: